Event Darlinghurst

Secret Wars: Semi-Final 2

This Wednesday, Oxford Art Factory will host the semi-finals of Sydney’s 3rd Secret Wars 'Season'.
Nick Gunn
July 18, 2011


Secret Wars may not be quite as secret as it was when it started in 2006 in London, but the name still seems appropriate. After all, there’s always going to be something weirdly personal about watching two artists trying to outdo each other in a 90 minute race/battle. Perhaps it’s because the pursuit of art seems so solitary even when it’s an onstage competition. Perhaps it’s just that the contestants usually spend their time illustrating elaborate puns on their opponent’s names. In any case, it always makes for a great evening.

This Wednesday, Oxford Art Factory will host the semi-finals of Sydney’s 3rd Secret Wars ‘Season’. HEESCO and VARS ONE will be trading ink in a fierce battle for a spot in the Grand Finals later this year. Remember to cheer extra loud for the artist you think deserves the top spot — the crowd vote is decided using a decibel reader.


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