The European wonder producer comes back for more.
Amelia Zhou
Published on January 20, 2015


Riding on the back of his last success, Tremors, multitalented Vienna-based singer and producer, SOHN (aka Christopher Taylor) is returning to Australian shores. You've probably heard his raw electronic renditions of traditional R&B before, influenced by the moody vocals of James Blake and How to Dress Well.

Recorded entirely at night, Tremors is an immaculately crafted album; drawing together tales of Taylor's relationship-induced emotional melancholy. A London expat now living in Vienna, his music is enamoured with his newfound geographies — with hit tracks like 'Artifice' and 'Lessons' embracing a kind of laidback European pastoralism.

If you missed out on last year's sell-out shows, hopefully you'll catch some better luck this time. Grab 'em quick.

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