Sydney Architecture Festival

Sadly, for many of us, the hustle and bustle of Sydney life means we rarely step back and smell the roses. Sadder still are the lack of roses within our concrete jungle. But spend a while getting to know the concrete, learning of the beautiful Romanesque revival and masonic Victorian free-Gothic buildings, with their colonnades, balustrades and cupolas, and perhaps the city will transform from a jungle into a garden. This Festival of steel and stone will open our eyes to all that is beautiful and hidden in Sydney next month and even the most hardcore functionalist-home dweller will find it hard to ignore.
Tim Paris
Published on October 10, 2010


Sadly, for many of us, the hustle and bustle of Sydney life means we rarely step back and smell the roses. Sadder still are the lack of roses within our concrete jungle. But spend a while getting to know the concrete, learning of the a beautiful Romanesque revival and masonic Victorian free-Gothic buildings, with their colonnades, balustrades and cupolas and perhaps the city will transform from a jungle into a garden.

The Architecture Festival will be opening our eyes to all that is beautiful and hidden in Sydney next month and even the most hardcore functionalist-home dweller will find it hard to ignore. Take a bike, walking or boat tour and examine Sydney's main precincts, forgotten houses and beautiful foreshore. Then appreciate the past and satisfy your inner voyeur with Sydney Open and Home Stories and satisfy your ears with a talks by contemporary architects ranging from urban density to the problem of McMansions to round out your sensory experience.

Catch a glimpse of Sydney in 2030 — an exhibition of how Sydney will run with a population of 6 million. The future is all about sustainable beauty so see how upcoming students are dealing with this problem, then ask the current faces of Sydney architecture what they are doing about it right now. As part of the festival, some of the most respected architectural firms will swing open their doors to students and members of the public.

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