
Sydney Open presents Talks: Public Sydney

Late-night play, marketplace meetings, and a greener vision of Sydney come up for discussion.
Zacha Rosen
August 06, 2012


Where is the border of public space? Does it end as you hop onto a bus, go into a shopping mall or step up into the gravelly grounds of the Mint? As part of the build up to the Historic Houses Trust's biennial Sydney Open push to bring the private into the public domain, the Trust is running a series of Public Sydney talks Tuesday nights in August and September that examine the shifting world of the public sphere.

Every Tuesday night, the program will set two speakers on stage, with themes including late-night play, marketplace meetings and a greener vision of Sydney. As a Sydneysider, you probably know your own swatch of our patchwork city pretty well, but this series might give you a better look at some of the other granny squares on offer.

Image by avlxyz.



Tue, Sep 25, 2012

Tuesday, September 25, 2012



$40/35/240 series ticket