Arts & Entertainment

Tin Shed Camping Tours

A campfire, ghost stories, singalongs and bears, all at Bondi Pavilion's indoor woodlands.
By Elise Newton
January 27, 2015

Fri, Jan 30, 2015 - Sat, Jan 31, 2015

Fri, Jan 30, 2015 - Saturday, January 31, 2015


Bondi Pavilion

Queen Elizabeth Drive, Bondi Beach
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We all wish that we were the kind of people who crammed their gas stoves and their tents into the backseat and took ourselves on an invigorating camping trip over the Australia Day long weekend. And just because we didn't all succeed, doesn't mean the dream is over. Because all you need for a camping expedition is waiting for you in Bondi.

On Friday and Saturday, January 30-31, Tin Shed Camping Tours invites you to a choose-your-own-adventure camping expedition inside Bondi Pavilion as a part of the Rock Surfers Theatre Company's third annual Summer Camp festival. In the indoor woodlands that have taken over the Bondi Pavilion Seagull Room, this interactive performance work promises to pull audiences in with ghost stories, singalongs, campfires, sleeping bags and cider.

Tin Shed Camping Tours runs for two nights only, so make your way from the Bondi sands and into the woods.

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