Event Arts & Entertainment


$1000 vs the artistic process.
Zacha Rosen
October 22, 2012


$1000 seems to be a default arts unit in the Sydney arts world. The local chapter of the Awesome Foundation hands it out monthly in a no strings attached grant to help make Sydney “more awesome.” Mish Grigor is getting in on their act with Winner!, a Firstdraft show which is a kind of behind-the-scenes documentary and critique of art prizes all rolled into a single, live exhibition.

Events spread from Wednesday to Saturday will show the considerations and machinations in the art award process, from pitch, to debate, to final showdown. Wednesday night, five artists will pitch their work with words in a kind of art slam. On Saturday you can hear the judges deliberate live in the gallery, before rounding up the three art finalists for a final spoken-art battle. Grigor has already prised open all sorts of interesting art spaces as part of the Imperial Panda Festival, Post and Tiny Stadiums. Join her again as she prises open a more mercantile aspect of the artistic process.




Wednesday, October 24, 2012 - Saturday, October 27, 2012

Wednesday, October 24 - Saturday, October 27, 2012

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