Arts & Entertainment

World Fingerpainting Day

Get your fingers warmed up, don your oldest t-shirt and get ready to get messy.
By Rachel Fuller
September 12, 2011

Sun, Sep 18, 2011

Sunday, September 18, 2011


Hyde Park

Elizabeth Street, Sydney

Ever spent the day holed up in your 9-5 cubicle musing on the lack of creativity in your life? Wondering where you could go to just make and do? Feel like you don't really have an artistic bone in your body but would love to just give it a go?

Well, have we got the safe family environment for you. Hyde Park. Sunday. September 18. 12pm. It is here that the very first World Fingerpainting Day will be held. And if the social media kids behind RepoSocial have their way it will be a global event with guerilla finger painters around the world taking to their civic parks and getting their hands dirty with all and sundry. As the press release states, 'the goal is to get the forty year old banker painting next to the four year old girl.' Sound dodgy? Yeah, parks already have that rep.

Either way, it's this writer's cyncial and jaded view that probably needs a touch up from that great God Creativity and his spawn, Free and Open Thought and Inner Child. Australia is an incredibly over-regulated country and as such I think it is probably a good thing to take advantage of events such as these which don't necessitate OHS heavy handedness or rigid rights and wrongs. Be flexible. It is actually much easier to be cynical than not (as much a speech to myself as to you).

So get your fingers warmed up, don your oldest t-shirt and get ready to get messy. With the kids. With the bankers. With the shop keepers. With your locals. It is your city, Sydneyites, get boundless.

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