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Shoot For the Stars:

How the Australian Cast of 'Hamilton' Is Spending Summer in Sydney

Alec Jones
November 25, 2024

We chatted to the people who are always in the Room Where it Happens to find out how stage stars live it up in the Harbour City

Sweet summertime, we missed you so much. We’re so excited for blue skies, warm nights, beach days and, admittedly, immersion in air conditioning.

There’s plenty to do throughout Sydney in the summer, but a certain headline item stands apart: one of the world’s most popular stage shows, Hamilton. The legendary Lin-Manuel Miranda musical is in the Harbour City until the end of summer, and we’ve teamed up with the cast of Hamilton themselves to do the leg work on why you should see the show, plus how to live your best life in Sydney this summer.

A Cheat Sheet

Hamilton 101

Two Years

How long Lin-Manuel Miranda spent writing the first two songs in the Hamilton soundtrack.

Over 20,000 Words

The length of the Hamilton script, it’d take almost 6 hours to perform without the use of rap.

11 Tony Awards

The awards Hamilton received the year of its premiere, with 16 nominations beforehand.

A Sydney Exclusive

This isn’t Hamilton’s first Sydney stint, but this time, no other city or stage in the country will get to host the show. Take that, Melbourne.

The Stars of the Stage

Who better to quiz about Hamilton than the stars of the show themselves? Concrete Playground sat down with Vidya Makan (Eliza Hamilton), Googoorewon Knox (George Washington), Tainga Savage (John Laurens/Phillip Hamilton), Elandrah Eramiha (Peggy Schuyler/Maria Reynolds) and Etuate Lutui (Hercules Mulligan/James Madison) to hear their perspectives on the show and their plans to enjoy summer in Sydney.

Can you describe the moment you found out you got a part in Hamilton?

Vidya: I got the call from my agent, and there’s actually a video that I’ve posted to my instagram of that very phone call. I lost all of my senses. I just immediately started crying.

Tainga: I received a call from an unknown number. Turns out it was the producer, and they told me they’d like to offer me the role, and I professionally accepted. Once the call ended, I couldn’t believe I’d actually just had that conversation. I didn’t know how to feel. I felt confusion because my Dad was terminally ill, and I’d just landed the biggest opportunity on the biggest show in musical theatre at the time.

Googoorewon: I was with my dad getting coffee when the contract came through. It was important for me to get the contract signed because, in my mind, that meant I was 100% confirmed. Needless to say, I had to stand up and pace a little because I was very excited.

Elandrah: It was at the start of 2020 when I found out. Melbourne was just about to go into a big lockdown. My agent called me in the morning and asked if I was sitting down. After being told the news, I was so happy and had some light and happiness during such a weird time in the world.

Etuate: I just froze! I really couldn’t believe it and didn’t know what to do with myself. Once it settled in that I’d actually just gotten cast in my dream show, I jumped and screamed, then shed a few tears and called my parents to share the great news!


What part of the show do you look forward to most as a performer?

Vidya: Honestly, it’s not so much the stuff that I do. It’s actually just watching the incredible talent of my cast mates and the genius of everyone backstage.

Tainga: The Schuyler Sisters. Because there’s just something so fun about groovin’ when the floor is movin’.

Googoorewon: I mean, I kinda have to say One Last Time, don’t I? Washington’s big number, Since I get to let loose and have a nice belt.

Elandrah: I love my interactions with my cast on stage. All the small smiles and moments we have with each other in passing, moments that only we know about on stage and backstage.

Etuate: I love the Sons of Liberty entrance into My Shot. I always look forward to bringing the energy to that scene to kick off the show.


What would you say to convince any naysayers to go see Hamilton?

Vidya: For me, Hamilton is a rags-to-riches story about someone who had a dream and who made incredible things happen. On some level, it’s just an exploration of what it is to be human.

Tainga: I always say that Hamilton set a new standard and allowed new perspectives into what musical theatre can be.

Googoorewon: I’m… in it…*laughs*. Also, it’s an instant classic with incredible performers and plenty of moments of levity. It’ll keep you engaged and tug at your heartstrings.

Elandrah: You will not be disappointed. This is a show about a real human that everyone can relate to. All in the style of great, catchy music performed by talented humans!

Etuate: If you’re a hip hop and RnB fan or a history buff, a lover of live entertainment and want to be moved by a beautiful piece of theatre, you truly can’t miss this.

Summer in the Harbour City

The cast of Hamilton have some spare time on their hands outside of the show, and over the Christmas break, so will you. If you’re in need of itinerary inspo, we quizzed them on how (and where) they like to relax in Sydney.

What are some of your favourite spots in Sydney to go to on a night out or after a show?

Tainga: Fortress, Koko arcade or even a quiet spot near the water. If I’m hungry, I’ll hit up a hot pot place.

Googoorewon: I do enjoy a night out at the Monday Night Jam at Marble Bar. There are always a few of the team there, and the music is banger.

Elandrah: Honestly, home *laughs, I need to get a good night’s sleep after a show. But on a night off, I love to have date nights at different steak restaurants and nights at the cinemas.

Etuate: On a night off, Don’t Tell Aunty is a great Indian restaurant in Surry Hills. After a show, Gallon in Pyrmont never misses the spot!


How do you spend a perfect sunny day off in Sydney?

Vidya: Living in Sydney, I can be at the beach spending time in paradise under the sun in gorgeous NSW water and then 15 minutes later, I’m in my car, and I’m driving to the theatre, and I’m in one of the biggest shows in the world.

Tainga: Definitely on some sort of adventure, either exploring somewhere I haven’t been to make content or take photos, bouldering, the beach or hanging out with friends.

Googoorewon: Well, you cant go wrong with the beach. I do like hanging out with mates and having a jam here and there. A nice walk along Bondi always does the job too.

Elandrah: The Beach, lunch at the fish markets or enjoying the sun on my balcony with sudoku and music.

Etuate: Fresh fruit from Harris Farm, a schnitzel focaccia sandwich from S’wich in Bondi, then the beach!


In your opinion, where is Sydney’s best beach?

Vidya: I love Bronte Beach because they have hot showers there. But I also love Malabar because it’s just a bit quiet.

Tainga: Coogee Beach is one that I’ve always liked. It’s a beautiful looking beach and not always too crowded.

Googoorewon: Honestly, I don’t have a favourite. They all have sand, they all have water, and they all have beautiful people enjoying it as much as I am.

Elandrah: I enjoy Shark Beach. It has a net and the waves are always chill. Perfect for a relaxing day. [Editors note: Shark Beach is currently closed for seawall repairs].

Etuate: Bronte Beach! Nothing comes close to a bright blue sunny day at Bronte Beach. The water is crystal clear.


For more information on ‘Hamilton’, or to book tickets, visit the website. For more things to do in Sydney this summer, keep exploring right here on Concrete Playground.

Illustrations: Barry Patenaude

Images courtesy of Hamilton

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