News Food & Drink

Barn Is NSW's New Out-of-Town Restaurant and Boutique Hotel from the Acclaimed Biota Team

Located on a 100-acre property in East Kangaloon, it sleeps just four people and serves dinner only two nights per month.
Jasmine Crittenden
October 25, 2018


Since opening in 2011, Bowral's Biota Dining has become one of Australia's most-adored regional restaurants. With every passing year, more hats are added to its portfolio. But, like many a high-achieving chef, owner James Vile has been dreaming of new possibilities.

In January 2019, one of them will be realised when Barn by Biota opens. This project will see the restaurant take over a stunning, 100-acre property in nearby East Kangaloon for two nights per month with a 60-person dinner party featuring hyper-local ingredients, all sourced from within a radius of just a few kilometres.

Seated around communal timber tables decked with local plants and flowers, guests will feast on honey, meat, yabbies, fruit, garlic and potatoes sourced from the property itself and transformed into delightful dishes by head chef Ryan Kovac, who's worked extensively with Viles. Further produce will come from neighbours' backyards and from a bunch of Biota's favourite farmers, including Redleaf Farm (pork and eggs), Pecora Dairy (cheese and lamb) and Quarter Acre (fruit, veggies, herbs, edible flowers, edible weeds).

Before dinner, you'll be treated to a tour of the property in the company of owners Louise and John Keats, followed by a spot of yabby fishing and drinks around a stone outdoor fire pit. This is all included in the price of dinner — $190 a head.

Anyone who's keen to stay the night are able to book The Loft, a luxurious two bedroom above Barn, surrounded by dreamy rural views. The Loft sleeps four and starts at $280 a night. It can be booked through Airbnb and is open for reservations right now — so call your besties and start planning that summer getaway.

Barn by Biota is located in East Kangaloon. The first two dinners will take place on 11 and 25 January, 2019. For more information and to reserve your spot at the dinner or The Loft, head to