News Food & Drink

Fairy Floss Grapes Totally Exist and They're On Their Way To Australia

Could fairy floss flavoured goon be on the cards too? Could it?
Tom Clift
September 16, 2015


Convincing people to eat their daily dose of fruit is about to get a whole lot easier. In the single greatest agricultural triumph since Nick Offerman opened that pizza farm back in July, Australian supermarkets will soon be stocking fairy floss flavoured grapes. And who said you can't improve on nature?

Officially trademarked as Cotton Candy Grapes, the variety was developed by Californian grape growers Grapery, who created it accidentally while cross-pollinating different breeds. The result is an extra sweet grape that reportedly tastes uncannily like everyone's favourite school fete treat — although Grapery CEO Jim Beagle assured The Huffington Post that they have "basically the same nutritional content as almost any grapes in the grocery store."

Unsurprisingly, the grapes have proven a major hit in the United States, blowing up on social media and warranting mentions on both The Today Show and Good Morning America. If that wasn't enough, they've also been given the official Ryan Seacreast seal of approval — a sure-fire sign of quality if ever there was one.

Australia, meanwhile, will be getting its first taste of these little miracles come February next year, after Grape Co. Australia secured the license from Grapery to grow and sell the variety down under. Of course, the question on everyone's lips is whether or not you can turn them into fairy floss flavoured goon. Because that would be a gamechanger.

Via Good Food and The Huffington Post.

Image: Dollar Photo Club.