Three Beans Chatswood Chase

Brunch in a shopping centre just got better.
Melanie Colwell
Published on August 24, 2020


The upside to getting to a shopping centre right on opening? It's easy to find a park. The downside? You skipped brekkie to get there on time and now you're hungry. If that's happened to you while shopping at Chatswood Chase, let us point you in the right direction: Three Beans. Part of a collection of cafes with over 20 locations dotted across Sydney and Brisbane,  Three Beans Chatswood Chase will sort your early morning hunger out with its menu of cafe classics. Whether you opt for something sweet like muesli or banana bread with house-made praline butter, or a hearty green brekkie bowl, packed with avocado, quinoa, haloumi, pesto and an egg, you'll leave feeling satisfied and ready to power through that shopping list. Slept in? Not to worry, the menu is available all day and also includes wraps, sandwiches and tarts. And don't be put off by the fact that Three Beans is a chain; it uses its scale for good, by supporting Aussie growers and producers. The eggs come from Rohde's farm in South Australia's Clare Valley, pork is from Borrowdale near Goondiwindi and the chicken is from Mount Barker.



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