Buckets of lilac hydrangeas, peach colombian roses and tubs of aromatic rosemary stand proud outside this Glebe Point Road store, which grabs your attention from across the street. This local florist has 25 years of experience serving passersby with freshly cut flowers to take back to their homes, or a potted plant to brighten up an office desk. The store is brimming with such reasonably priced blooms that if you're there to pick up a gift, it's likely you'll add a cluster of lavender or a single protea to your order especially for you.
Cassandra Hannagan
Head right into the back of the store for a shelf of nonliving gifts, such as soaps and candles from the French brand Sea Salt or hand creams from Panier Des Sens. There's a wall of greeting cards with Aussie themed fauna, which make for a quick add-on purchase when you're shopping for colleagues or last-minute thank yous. And if you can't make it to the store, they're more than happy to arrange for local deliveries.