No Fail

A homegrown bubble tea shop.
Marissa Ciampi
Published on February 05, 2020
Updated on June 16, 2021


While overseas boba chains are kicking goals all over our city, there's something to be said for a local haunt. No Fail is Sydney's homegrown bubble tea brand. Its signature item is the brûlée pearl milk tea, which you can also add cheese foam and even a full on side of crème brûlée to. No Fail has also recently released a new yoghurt range, which changes seasonally — at the moment, there are watermelon, paw paw and strawberry yoghurt flavours to choose from. Secret menu items are on the docket here, too, and the new cups have a caricature of a pig dabbing on them. The brand has recently expanded from Haymarket to open a second outpost in Sydney's other bubble tea mecca, Burwood, and we expect more will follow.


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