Oscar and Friends Booksellers

Visit this independent bookshop that's small in size but vast in range.
Melanie Colwell
Published on November 29, 2016
Updated on August 05, 2021


If the perfect blend of mainstream chain and independent store could exist, Oscar and Friends would be it. Let us explain. If you've entered with a specific title in mind, inspired by a recent release or review, it will more than likely be there. But if your list is rather blank and you're seeking a helping hand, it's also got you covered. An expansive range and expert recommendations abound in this small store. In addition to staff picks, various literary prizewinners are also flagged, so you can leave, book(s) in hand, safe in the knowledge that your dollars have been well spent. On the first Monday of each month, Oscar and Friends also hold an evening book club allowing avid readers to wax poetic about their latest read.


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