Travel & Leisure

Tilligerry Habitat

Spot koalas and other native fauna and flora in this waterfront reserve.
By Melanie Colwell
July 09, 2020
Tilligerry Habitat

2E King Albert Avenue, Tanilba Bay

About a 40-minute drive from Nelson Bay is Tilligerry Habitat, a nine-hectare reserve situated on the foreshore of Tanilba Bay. This area is open every day (except Christmas Day and Boxing Day) and free to visit — just grab a map from the Environment Office and set off exploring. Within the reserve, there are gravel tracks and boardwalks that'll lead you through swamp mahogany paperbark forest and woodland and over freshwater streams.

If you want to know what to keep an eye out for, the habitat's website has a few guides to download on the birds and orchids that are often seen in the area — a reptile guide is coming soon, too, and there's a sensory guide that'll help you identify the native flora to see, touch, smell and, in some cases, taste. You may also get to see some native fauna — echidnas, bandicoots and koalas are regularly spotted in the habitat. This website, which tracks recent koala sightings, will point you in the right direction.

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