Travel & Leisure

Wollongong Nuns Pool

The ocean pool is tricky to get to — but oh-so-worth-it.
By Tamar Cranswick
April 25, 2021
Nuns Pool

2 Endeavour Drive, Wollongong

The former women's only Chain Baths, known locally as Nuns Pool, is thought to be one of the first ocean pools in New South Wales and sits at the bottom of Wollongong's Flagstaff Hill.

Established in the 1830s as a place for women of a certain social standing to bathe — the 'chain' in the original name comes from the iron chains, slung between the rocks for ladies to hold onto while bathing in this wavy ocean pool.

Locals began referring to the baths as Nuns Pool after nuns from a nearby convent school started bringing girls there in the early 1900s. Another alternate name for the pool, Lovers Gully, hints at its popularity with romantic types over the years, too.

These days, you don't have to have a petticoat or a corset to enjoy the natural beauty of the pool. Whether you feel like doing some laps or simply taking five with the water lapping around you, this hidden gem is definitely worth a visit.

Images: Jasmine Low

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