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Spring into Action with These Five School Holiday Activities for Your Junior Athlete

There's no shortage of activities to get your kids moving at Sydney Olympic Park.
Marley Ng
September 08, 2023

in partnership with Sydney Olympic Park


The Women's World Cup might be over, but its legacy and athletic spirit live on. Against the backdrop of the Matildas' success and ahead of the Paris Olympics, what better way to level up your child's athletic dreams than the range of activities available at Sydney Olympic Park this spring?

From half-hour swim lessons to week-long sports camps, there's something to keep everyone happy these holidays — including busy parents. Each course is run by certified instructors or pro athletes. If you can't decide, all-day programs run every weekday. The Holiday Recreational Program includes a mix of sporting and creative activities such as swimming, gymnastics, Zumba and arts and crafts, while the Multi-Sports Camp includes games like basketball, soccer, dodgeball and badminton.

We've pulled together some of the standout programs available for your budding sports star at Sydney Olympic Park this September and October.


Whether your child is dreaming of playing with the Tillies or just wants to see what the hype is about, the soccer program at Sydney Olympic Park has them sorted with an invigorating day of skill-building — at the very venue the Matildas played at during the Women's World Cup.

The Park has partnered with pro football club Western Sydney Wanderers to train beginner and intermediate players in the technical skills of passing, shooting, dribbling and maintaining control of the ball. The six-hour session, which runs from 9am–3pm, will improve the kids' decision-making and team-building competencies while boosting their confidence. 

The course costs $95 for one day and $170 for two and includes a Wanderers' jersey. Little ones aged between four and 12 are welcome and there's also a girls-only session on Thursday, September 28.


On top of navigating traffic and being able to find a good flat white, swimming is another essential skill for all Sydneysiders. Start your kids off right and get them ready for pool season with the Swimming Intensive Program at Sydney Olympic Park's Aquatic Centre.

Qualified AUSTSWIM instructors will teach children aged three and above important swimming fundamentals, while also levelling them up on specific strokes. Each class runs for half an hour between 8am–12pm from Monday to Friday, with the option to attend for one or two weeks. The Learn to Swim program is $102.50 for the week, either from Monday, September 15 to Friday, September 29 or Tuesday, October 3 to Friday, October 6.

For those with specific needs or wanting undivided instruction, there are private or group private lessons available, as well as disability lessons. There are even one-hour specialist clinics for more experienced swimmers, which will focus on advanced skills such as block diving, turning and stroke correction. Private lessons start from $262.50 and the specialist session is $105.


From the Olympics to public parks and tech offices, it seems like table tennis has popped up everywhere in the past few years. If your child would rather not be huffing and puffing on the field or prefers a sport where they can actually use their hands, sign them up for a day of table tennis.

Older kids between the ages of eight and 15 will be taught by instructors from Table Tennis NSW on Friday, October 6.

The six-hour course costs $80 (including a bat and ball), so kids can flex their prowess and make some new friends across the table.


For fun that you can join in on, try your hand at archery. Beginners and experienced archers alike will be trained and supervised by expert instructors before they can give the bow a go.

Younger kids from seven to nine can get into the sport safely with practice rounds and skill-based games at the Young Archers session. Meanwhile, those ten and older — including adults — can show off their aim with a tutorial and challenges at the hour-long Sharp Shooters session.

From Monday, September 25, classes will run from 9.30am–3pm during the week and 9.30am–12pm on the weekend. One session is $20 but, if that's not enough, it can be combined with another round of archery or laser tag for $33 on weekdays.


Unleash your child's inner action hero with an exciting round of laser tag. It won't be the game as they know it — the Park's outdoor Archery Centre will have props, sound effects and blockades that they have to navigate.

Kids will boost their team-building, strategy and problem-solving skills as they overcome challenges and compete in teams. Drop them off for an hour-long session from 10.30am–2.30pm on Tuesdays and Thursdays from Tuesday, September 26 to Thursday, October 5.

Sessions fill up fast, so book in now and find out more at the Sydney Olympic Park website.