News Travel & Leisure

The Royal Croquet Club Is Coming to Sydney

More fun than you can shake a croquet club at.
Sarah Ward
November 15, 2015


Sydneysiders, prepare to take your love of the outdoors to its fanciest extreme. You'll get some fresh air, party by the ocean and swing a mallet like your life depends on it. That's right — the Royal Croquet Club will soon be making its New South Wales debut.

After wowing Adelaide since 2013 and popping up in Melbourne and Brisbane earlier this year, March 24, 2016 marks Sydney's turn to enjoy an all-ages festival dedicated to the pastime many might associate with cult '80s teen flick Heathers. But the Royal Croquet Club isn't just about whacking balls around. Think 11 days of food, drinks, music and more good vibes than you can shake a croquet club at — which is an option here, clearly.

Event organizers are keeping tight-lipped about the food and entertainment lineup, so we'll refrain from wild speculation. Based on what they put together for Brisbane, however, you should probably be getting excited. Games, sun, shade, tunes, food by local vendors and cocktails that won't stop flowing. What more could anyone possibly want?

The Royal Croquet Club hits Bondi Park from March 24 to April 3. For more information, visit their website and Facebook page.