Wild Life Sydney Zoo has just announced a new exhibit, devoted to the humble...bin chicken.
Yes, the divisive long-beaked hero formally known as the Australian White Ibis is having its long-deserved moment in the spotlight, with the Darling Harbour zoo announcing that it's responded to intense customer demand and installed a 'state of the art' Bin Chicken display. With the timely launch of April 1.
According to so-called 'Senior Bin Chicken Keeper' Emma Malik, the exhibit will be home to five birds — Wynston, Timothy and three unnamed females — with plans to even run "a unique bin chicken breeding program".
The presser also lists favourites from the ibis' preferred diet, including crayfish, mussels, and of course, human scraps. Though we all know they're partial to basically anything you're eating, regardless of whether you're finished with it or not.
Unfortunately, the April 1 announcement date means that an actual bin chicken exhibit is unlikely. But, we can promise you'll see your fair share of the majestic avian residents whenever you visit the zoo (or Hyde Park). Roaming free range, as always.