
Allan Teger’s Bodyscapes

Photographer Allan Teger creates images where human bodies have been cleverly used as landscapes.

Christopher Kevin Au
January 09, 2012


Photographer Allan Teger has created a series of images where human bodies have been cleverly used as landscapes. His Bodyscapes series, first created in 1975, uses miniature figurines against a backdrop of a person, and the viewer is given the illusion that the bodies are in fact surfaces from nature. Each image is a single shot on traditional film.

The black-and-white images include horses riding down hills, which are in fact the curves of a human back and bottom. Furthermore, a man playing golf is actually looking to sink his ball into a bellybutton.

Teger's creative use of props and lighting make these images captivating and rather realistic. Indeed, he is able to create a real sense of vastness, distance and space using just the human canvas.