Food & Drink

Kaibosh Make a Meal in May

The food waste heroes need donated dollars.
By Frances Speer
May 08, 2017

Monday, May 1, 2017 - Wednesday, May 31, 2017

Monday, May 1 - Wednesday, May 31, 2017

Various locations across Wellington

Kaibosh are food waste heroes, taking unwanted and unsold food and giving it to those who do want it but can't afford to buy it. Every day a bunch of GC volunteers turn up at Kaibosh to sort through donated food to find what's still good enough to eat and then distribute it to charities around Wellington. But as well as helping hands Kaibosh need donated dollars.

Make a Meal in May is your chance to help out them out: eat in at home or work and donate what you would've spent on eating out to Kaibosh. Arrange a classic Kiwi bring-a-plate potluck or cook up a feast*, invite your mates over and ask them to bring a cash donation of what they'd normally shell out on takeaways or a meal out. Kaibosh will turn every $20 donated into 20 meals for those who need them.

*feast suggestions: a big veggie curry with naan and all the condiments, or slow-cooked pulled pork with a stack of tortilla, slaw and salsa.

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