The Last Weekend in the Mouthfull Space

With their lease soon to run out, this young radical arts collective are hosting a rota of cool events until they vacate the space this Sunday.
Lauren Harrigan
Published on September 27, 2018


Mouthfull Productions is a multimedia arts collective of young radicals who aim to connect, inspire and empower. For the past two months, they've hosted a myriad of more than 30 events in a revolving community program from their huge space underneath the multi-million dollar apartments down on Clyde Quay Wharf.

From weekly film screenings to live acoustic gigs, art exhibitions to yoga and mindfulness sessions, with varying workshops and talks in between, they believe they have achieved their vision — connections made and people walking away from events feeling more inspired and empowered than they had when they first walked down the wharf.

But not for much longer — with their lease soon to run out — Mouthfull are hosting a rota of cool events until they vacate the space this Sunday. Head along for their last weekend, consisting of Friday's Bents exhibition, zine making workshop Saturday and closing ceremony Saturday 4.30-6.30pm. You can find full details of all events on their Facebook page.

And we'll be seeing more of this young collective — from Bush Bash to Tora — you can keep up with them on their website.

Image: Mouthfull.


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