Sophie Chung
Miss Chung is a fun-time nerd and professional mind-crumb jotter who is also a self-admitted internet addict: a portmanteau, if you will, of a very unlikely combination of a Master of Architecture graduate and ex-Showgirls bartender & hostess who swings from one extreme to another. As you can imagine, she is quite a character and her work stories are better than most. Due to the overwhelming amount of hobbies this lady has, she is constantly fielding opportunities and soul-searching at the bottom of a wine bottle. Her second best friend is her mum who has relayed many pieces of valuable life advice such as using eye-cream from the age of 15 and stressing the importance of dental hygiene and sun protection. Sophie is a really good problem-solver and she will one day have her own Soaprah - amalgam of Soap opera and Oprah. p.s: if you find her on tinder, it's not her. It's a bot that has taken her identity and is sending out nasty viruses.