• News

    Iceland’s Crowdsourced Constitution. Like.

    Iceland use social media to get the people's input for their new constitution.

  • News

    David Lynch Opens Mulholland Drive Inspired Nightclub

    A new nightclub designed by David Lynch and inspired by a fictional venue from his film Mulholland Drive is set to open in Paris.

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    Artist Designed Hotel Without Staff Opens in Paris

    Designed by artist Matali Crasset, Hi-Matic is a self-service hotel completely devoid of staff.

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    Students Create Futuristic Two-Wheeled Vehicle

    Adelaide University students have created an inventive two wheeled contraption that could solve inner city transport issues.

  • News

    Vizualize.Me Livens Up Your LinkedIn Info

    Turn your life's work into an infographic.

  • News

    Luna Ring Could Power the World

    Solar power from the moon could power the world.

Latest Guides
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    Kaiser Chiefs Want You to Make Their Album

    Design and sell the new Kaiser Chief's album and earn a quid.

  • News

    Steve Jobs Announces Plans for Apple’s New Mothership

    Apple's new campus is a giant glass ring.

  • News

    Coke Gets Greener With ‘Give It Back’ Racks

    Coke take the cola green wars beyond the bottle.

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    Ice-Cream On A Boat

    How did the Brits beat us to this idea?

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    Recycled Cycles and Bamboo Bikes

    How green is your cycle?

  • News

    Going Gaga for Google Chrome

    The internet goes Gaga for Google Chrome.

Latest Places
  • Cafe

    This That

    57 Lorne St , Auckland City

    A glimmer of hope for what the rest of Lorne Street could soon become.

  • News

    Shade Cloths that Generate Solar Power

    Super solar solutions for your backyard.

  • News

    Control Mood Lighting and More with WiFi Connected Lightbulbs

    Control mood lighting, your electricity bill and much more with these WiFi connected light bulbs.

  • News

    Shell Begins Construction on World’s Largest Floating Object

    An energy crisis is looming. In light of this, Royal Dutch Shell are constructing the world’s largest man-made floating object.

  • News

    Discover the Beautiful World of Fonts with New Typography Application

    Eye. Aperture. Descender. Spine. A weird collection of words, but for a typographer, a publication nerd like me or the owner of this new app they make perfect sense together.

  • News

    Turning Trash to Gas in a Powerful World of Waste

    A small-scale device created by Agnion could be used by supermarkets, hospitals and shopping centres to make the most of the waste they create.

  • News

    Branding That’s Friendly First Thing in the Morning

    Branding to make you smile, even before your morning coffee hits home.

  • News

    Highly Efficient Aero-Train Prototype that Actually Flies

    A new prototype that would eliminate the problem of friction between a train and its tracks by flying extremely close to the ground.

  • News

    Open Source Classrooms Provide Ivy League Education for Free

    Fancy a free Ivy League education? Open Culture will teach you everything you need to know.

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    Google Gives Non-Profits a Helping Hand

    Google's recent launch of Google for nonprofits brings together an extensive toolkit for non-profit organisations.

  • News

    $25 Computer Perfect for Classroom Equality

    Bite-sized computer could be given away to school children for free.

  • News

    Recharge Between Classes in Solar-Power Seats

    A team from MIT have created outdoor furniture which can charge your phone and computer by solar-power.

  • News

    Next Step for Sustainable Cities: Smog-Eating Buildings

    Imagine if the materials a skyscraper is made from could eliminate the pollution it produces?

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    New Google Music Service Unveiled

    Google Music allows you to access your music, anywhere and anytime, online and offline.

  • News

    Turn Your iPhone Into a Polaroid Printer

    iPhone case concept can print your iPhone photos like old-school Polaroids.

  • News

    SafeHouse is Rupert Murdoch’s Answer to WikiLeaks

    News Corporation's online attempt at replicating the success of WikiLeaks seems flaky on several levels.

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    The Next Step for Smart Phones: Paper Thin

    Introducing the PaperPhone: an extremely light weight and, as the name suggests, paper-thin smart phone.

  • News

    Use Your Design Skills to Change the Way We Comprehend Nutrition

    Do you have what it takes to redesign the nutrition label to make sense out of confusing percentages, milligrams, serving sizes and calorie counters?

  • News

    Nissan to Produce New York’s Taxi of Tomorrow

    The iconic New York yellow taxi will be produced by Japanese manufacturer Nissan in the years to come.

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    Sustainable City in United Arab Emirates

    First glimpses at a sustainable city sprouting roots in Abu Dhabi.

  • News

    Paint Your Running Route with GPS Technology

    Running routes recorded with GPS technology are transformed into dynamic, digital artworks.

  • News

    Floating Golf Course in the Maldives

    Obscene and indulgent or responsible and socially inclusive? Maldives begins work on floating golf course.

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    Leica’s iPhone Camera Add-on Set to Revolutionise iPhoneography

    A concept by Black Design Associates combines Leica and iPhone technology for the ultimate iPhoneography experience.

  • News

    San Francisco Introduces Online CBD Parking Solution

    New website and smart phone app help solve parking problems in San Francisco.

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    Heineken’s Glow in the Dark Bottle Lights up the Night

    Heineken's glow-in-the-dark aluminium bottle enhances the beer drinking experience.

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    Green Thumbs Up for Gardening Made Simple

    Self-contained gardening kit includes all the bits and pieces to satisfy your green thumb.

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    Street Advertising Revealed Only in the Rain

    Fresh Green Ads creates street campaigns with eco-friendly materials that are revealed with a spot of wet weather.

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    Mother Nature May Earn Legal Rights in Bolivia

    Bolivia is proposing a treaty that will grant legal rights to the environment.

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    Beyond Coal Kicks Ash

    An environmental organisation partners with an underwear brand to create Beyond Coal, a company that sells underwear to raise money to spread awareness of the dangers of coal.

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    Burberry’s Holographic Models Take to the Runway in Beijing

    Burberry used holograms of models in their technology-inspired runway show in Beijing.

  • News

    Bespoken Art Puts Voice to Canvas

    Bespoken Art captures the sound waves of your voice and creates a unique piece of artwork.

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