Celery Stories

Loosely-based on popular fairy tales and with a cast of over thirty performers, Celery Stories will use every resource on hand to surprise and delight.
Karina Abadia
Published on February 17, 2013


When it comes to theatre, what you see shouldn't always be what you get. Celery Productions, the creative types behind Art in the Dark, presents its inaugural, immersive storytelling extravaganza. The audience will have the chance to become part of a theatrical world in which they are collaborators rather than mere spectators.

On a journey through Auckland's backyard - from St Kevin's Arcade, through Myers Park and then into The Basement - the stage might be a park bench or a set of stairs, the stranger standing next to you could have the leading role and Myers Park will be transformed before your eyes.

Loosely-based on popular fairy tales and with a cast of over thirty performers, Celery Stories will use every resource on hand to surprise and delight. Witness shadow puppets, projections, special effects and performances like no other.


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