Wandering Creatures

Audiences activate the creatures by jumping, walking or mimicking their actions, and the animals in turn respond to this attention.
Karina Abadia
Published on February 12, 2013


In Wandering Creatures the audience has the opportunity to interact with fantastical digital creatures. First you download an application onto your smart phone then with the map provided you hunt out the digital animals lurking within the Auckland Zoo confines. "Some of them will be easy to find and others will hopefully be more difficult," creator Kim Newall says.

Audiences activate the creatures by jumping, walking or mimicking their actions, and the animals in turn respond to this attention. If you don't have a smart phone, not to worry. On Wednesday nights the zoo is open late and Kim will be giving guided tours to help find his creations. "It will be a chance for people to experience the zoo in a different way and in a different environment," he says.


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