IMAX Darling Harbour Is the Place to See Star Wars: The Force Awakens in Sydney

Sydney's got Australia's only 2D 1570 IMAX film print — one of only 20 in the world.
Shannon Connellan
Published on October 20, 2015

If your midichlorian levels have been freaking out this week after the release of the poster and trailer for Star Wars: The Force Awakens, hold on to your nearest wookie. Sydney's IMAX cinema, towering over Darling Harbour, will have Australia's only 2D 1570 IMAX film print (one of only 20 in the world) of the highly-anticipated Star Wars film.

Director J.J. Abrams used IMAX cameras to shoot selected scenes in the new Star Wars film, so you'll want to see it on the screen it's meant for. And casually, IMAX Darling Harbour has the biggest cinema screen in the world, so if you're after X-wing/TIE fighter battles up in every corner of your nerdy, nerdy grill, this is how. IMAX Melbourne will be showing the film in IMAX 4K laser digital, but Sydney's the only one with the IMAX film print.

Great, but don't get cocky. Tickets for Star Wars: The Force Awakens at IMAX Darling Harbour are on sale right now from the IMAX website — and they'll go faster than a working Millennium Falcon hyperdrive. The first session will screen at midnight on December 17 and is already sold out. Following sessions will screen every three hours across the next 24 hours.

So get on it. Do get tickets. Try not. Do or do not. There is no try.

Until then, join us in losing our collective sith over this new trailer:

Published on October 20, 2015 by Shannon Connellan
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