Win Tickets to Concrete Playground’s Private Screening of Son of a Gun

A thrilling Aussie heist film starring Ewan McGregor and newcomer Brenton Thwaites.

Jessica Surman
Published on October 08, 2014

If action-packed yet artful heist films are your thing — and why wouldn't they be? — Julius Avery's debut feature, Son of a Gun, is bound to tickle your armchair thrill-seeking side.

Newcomer Brenton Thwaites is JR, a 19-year-old locked up for a minor offence. While inside, he is taken under the calculating wing of crime boss Brendan Lynch (Ewan McGregor). In an inevitably no-don't-you've-got-so-much-going-for-you! move, JR helps Lynch's crew orchestrate a daring prison escape — and is then invited to join in on the high-stakes heist they're planning next. Things, of course, turn progressively more dangerous.

The film is all Aussie — written and directed by Avery (whose short film Jerrycan was a Jury Prize winner at Cannes), and shot in the disparate and desolate landscapes of Melbourne, Perth and Kalgoorlie. It's a nail-biting, chill-inducing thriller you'll need to psychologically prepare for. We warned you.

We're offering competition winners the chance to see Son of a Gun with a friend at an exclusive preview screening on Monday, October 13, 6.30pm at Palace Centro (39 James Street, Fortitude Valley). To enter, click here.

Son of a Gun officially releases in cinemas from October 16. See the film in style at Palace Cinemas.

Published on October 08, 2014 by Jessica Surman
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