Brisbane’s Kimberley Bowden on Idols, Nashville and Getting Burnt on You

The Brisbane singer gears up to launch her new EP.

Meegan Waugh
Published on July 16, 2014

Kimberley Bowden has quite a few feathers in her cap: a grand final berth in the 2008 Toyota Star Maker competition, a place on the Billy Thorpe Scholarship shortlist, and national airplay for the first radio single, 'Do I', from her 2009 debut EP, just to name a few. After taking some time out to perfect her stagecraft, write, record and collaborate, Kimberley is ready to send her new EP, Burnt on You, out into the world. We had a quick chat with the singer ahead of her official EP launch.

Hi Kim! Thanks for talking to us. First of all, we'd love to know, who are your musical idols?

At the moment, I'm listening to a lot of One Republic, Sia and Miranda Lambert. I've also flogged Adele, Sara Bareilles, Ed Sheeran and Lily Allen's albums and many more.

Have any particular artists been an inspiration for this EP?

I'd probably say Miranda Lambert the most. I'm not sure that it's her music exactly, more her image and the attitude she portrays. She's got spunk! The EP is all based on real events in my life, so that was how the songs came about.

It's been several years since you released your debut self-titled EP. What have you been up to in that time?

Yeah, it's taken a while! I was lucky enough to go to Nashville two years in a row to co-write and perform. I've also been gigging all over Brisbane with a good friend of mine, Ryan 'Brooksy' Brooks. I owe my stagecraft to him in many ways. I've been writing with people and on my own. Mostly I think I've just been growing up. Being twenty-six is a good time!

Burnt on You has a more rock/pop vibe than your previous alt-country work. Do you think this is a permanent shift or will you return to your country roots one day?

Who knows? Only time will tell.

You mentioned that you've been to Nashville several times. Could you see yourself moving Stateside in the future?

Yes, definitely, under the right circumstances. It's always in the back of my mind. I'd definitely miss Australia, though — it really is the best.

How does the Brisbane music scene compare to America?

For a start, genre. But Nashville in particular, which is where I've spent most of my time, has a real pulse going through it. Every single person you come into contact with is gigging around, writing something, has had a hit or is producing something. Brisbane has immense talent, just on a smaller scale and it doesn't live and breathe music quite as much. In Nashville people are fanatical! It's cray.

Tell us a little bit about your writing process.

It's always same process for me — I write the music and the lyrics at the same time. I might go back and tweak lyrics after, but it always starts with just gibberish and noise that turns into a song.

You are playing with a full band at your EP launch on Sunday. How does playing with a full band differ from just you and your guitar? Which do you prefer?

When I play on my own, I'm definitely more comfortable because I can fly by the seat of my pants more and change things around if I want. I'm usually solo so it's a comfort zone thing. But I hardly ever get to play my songs with a band and when I do I love it. So if I could I'd always have a band … no question. I still have fun either way, though.

How can people get a copy of Burnt On You?

Every single Brisbane citizen should come to my EP launch on Sunday and get a copy! Otherwise, it is available on iTunes now. You can also keep an eye on my Facebook page for upcoming shows elsewhere in Australia and news.

Kimberley is launching Burnt on You at the New Globe Theatre this Sunday, July 20, from 4pm.

Published on July 16, 2014 by Meegan Waugh
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