Regurgitator Are Hosting the Ultimate Brisbane Music Festival to Celebrate 25 Years of Iconic Album 'Unit'

DZ Deathrays, Custard, Butterfingers, Resin Dogs and Screamfeeder are also on the bill at this one-day fest at Eatons Hill Hotel.
Sarah Ward
Published on February 07, 2023

If it seems like only yesterday that Regurgitator, Custard, Butterfingers, Resin Dogs and Screamfeeder were playing every venue around Brisbane every night, then you obviously have strong recollections of the city's 90s and 00s music scene. It was only a few months back that most of the above names teamed up to help celebrate The Zoo's 30th birthday, in fact, so your thoughts don't need to span back too far. Come March, you can also cement new memories at Units, aka what just might be the most Brisbane music festival ever.

Described as "25 years of Unit in one electric stream of sound and colour", this new one-day event nabs its name from Regurgitator's 1997 album Unit, its second record and the source of synth pop-meets-alt rock bangers like '! (The Song Formerly Known As)', 'Polyester Girl' and 'I Like Your Old Stuff Better Than Your New Stuff'. In fact, this fest is completely based around celebrating Unit's big anniversary — with more than a little help from some other huge Brisbane music names.

So, that's where Custard, Butterfingers, Resin Dogs and Screamfeeder all come in, all as part of a fest that'll take over Eatons Hill Hotel's ballroom and outdoor gig space. It's a two-stage, no-clash affair, so you'll be able to see everyone on the bill. And yes, the Gurge is playing Unit in full.

Dance to the band's 90s hits, with the Brissie legends also working through plenty else from their hefty catalogue — then enjoy the fellow acts that've been making Brisbane the music-filled city it is for decades. DZ Deathrays weren't releasing tunes back when Unit first released, of course, but they're also on the bill.

The rest of Units' roster of talent includes Models, Flangipanis, Glitoris, Mitch, Please, The Stress of Leisure and Platonic Sex, in what's set to be a helluva day.

Things don't get no better, better than you and this lineup, clearly.


Regurgitator performing UNIT in full (and more)
DZ Deathrays
Resin Dogs
Mitch, Please
The Stress of Leisure
Platonic Sex

Units takes place on Saturday, March 25 at Eatons Hill Hotel, 646 S Pine Rd, Eatons Hill — with early-bird pre sales from 9am on Thursday, February 9 and general ticket sales from 9am on Friday, February 10.

Top image: Stephen Booth.

Published on February 07, 2023 by Sarah Ward
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