A Netherworld Halloween 2019

Fortitude Valley's arcade bar is throwing its own monster mash — twice.
Sarah Ward
Published on October 24, 2019


When you're a bar that nods to all things spooky in your name, and you boast more than a couple of monster-themed pinball and arcade machines, then you're going to like the end of October. Netherworld does, of course. Indeed, the Valley pub has already hosted a monster beer fest earlier in the month — and now it's celebrating Halloween in the expected style.

So, what's on the agenda? Two parties on two different days. Some of us want to mark the occasion on the actual date, while some of us want to have some themed fun on the weekend leading up to it. Naturally, you can always do both.

First up, from 7pm on Saturday, October 26, it's Cowboy Skeleton Halloween Party time. Don't ask why — the better question is 'why not?', and it's one without an answer. Get dressed up like a gunslinging bag of bones (and don't forget to take care of both the cowboy and the skeleton parts of the costume), then drink, mash buttons, and listen to tunes by The Sugarshakers and Whalehouse. Plus, there'll also be food to suit the theme — whatever that could possibly be.

Then, come 6pm on Thursday, October 31, A Netherworld Halloween returns. Expect a ghoulish night of scary fun — or, a monster mash, if you will. You know that DJ Doom is going to give the track a spin, and you know that you're going to dance to it, creepy cocktail in hand.

Also, if you dress up for either evening of Halloween gaming goodness, you'll score five free tokens for your trouble.

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