Appetite for Distraction: Youth, information and the Digital Age at SXSW Sydney

'Concrete Playground' is putting on a panel about news and information in the age of short-form video as part of SXSW Sydney.
Ben Hansen
Published on October 16, 2023


SXSW has hit Sydney for its first-ever event outside of the US and Concrete Playground is on the lineup. We're putting on a panel about news and information in the era of short-form video during the eight-day conference.

Gone are the days of "I read an article about". Gone are even the days of "actually, I just saw the headline". We're now well and truly in the age of "I watched a TikTok". The way that we absorb information is constantly changing, and right now video is ruling — especially among gen z and millennials. Our SXSW Sydney panel is looking at just this, pulling together a group of video-first creatives to discuss how young people are consuming info in the digital age.

The panel will feature Pedestrian.TV's Issy Phillips to discuss digital news and journalism; astrophysicist and scientific communicator Kirsten Banks to chat about the role of TikTok, Reels and YouTube in sparking people's love in all things space; and Concrete Playground's very own Ben Hansen to talk about how we're searching for recommendations and deciding how to fill our calendar in 2023. Moderating the panel will be producer of ABC Radio National's AWAYE! and former Out of the Box host on FBi Radio Mia Hull.

If you want to head along, the panel is taking place at Room E3.9 at ICC Sydney at 2pm on Wednesday, October 18. Appetite for Distraction is open to anyone with a Platinum Badge or Industry Badge at SXSW Sydney.

Check out our full round-up of the ten panels and talks to have at the top of your hit list for the conference.

Top image: Jordan Kirk.


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