Chocolate Chip Cookie Day at Bennett St Dairy

Bennett St Dairy is bringing National Chocolate Chip Cookie Day down under and giving away free slices of choc chip vegemite cookie sandwich.
Ben Hansen
Published on August 02, 2022


Over in the US, August 4 is National Chocolate Chip Cookie Day. While this isn't a nationally recognised holiday here in Australia, there's never a bad excuse to eat cookies, so Sydney's favourite cookie-maker Bennett St Dairy is bringing the celebration of gooey choc chip goodness down under with a uniquely Australian twist.

Not satisfied with just stealing the American day, Bennett St is injecting some quintessential Australiana into the celebration by unveiling a new choc chip vegemite cookie sandwich. The sandwich combines the bakery's classic cookie dough with a vegemite caramel and whipped butter. The adventurous culinary mash-up will be available for those that head down to its flagship store on Thursday, August 4.

"There's nothing more Australian than a Vegemite sandwich, so when we decided we were going to bring Chocolate Chip Cookie Day Down Under, we got to work seeing how we could blend the two flavours together," Bennett Street Dairy co-founder James Meek said.

The first 100 people to visit the Bondi venue between 9am and midday on Wednesday will receive a free slice of the enormous vegemite cookie sandwich Bennett St is cooking up. If you don't make it down on your own, you can also create it yourself with the range of Bennett St Dairy cookie dough rolls that are available at Woolworths and the recipe that has been posted online for everyone to use.

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