CRS St Peters Pop-Up

This pop-up cafe rotates all your favourite Sydney coffee beans under one roof.
Hudson Brown
Published on August 29, 2018


Everyone is picky about their coffee, and once you've find the perfect spot, nothing else tastes quite right. This St Peters coffee spot, however, is doing things a bit differently. Describing itself as 'The Most Inconsistent Cafe in Australia', the pop-up prides itself on its constantly changing coffee offering.

Run by Collective Roasting Solutions (CRS), a shared roasting facility in Alexandria used by a slew of industry experts, the pop-up features an all-star lineup of Sydney roasters, including Edition, Skittle Lane, Harry's Bondi and Grace & Taylor. Each week there'll be a new rotation of blends and roasters available, meaning every time you head in, you'll be welcomed with a different coffee experience. While most cafes try to get their coffee as consistent as possible, the idea behind the CRS pop-up is to show off the variety of flavours and depth in coffee beans.

CRS, which ran a similar pop-up in Enmore back in 2016, has also partnered Marrickville's Labld Cafe for the occasion, so you can pair your coffee with a breakfast or lunch bento box. Locally sourced pastries will also be available to snack on and, until September 16, Smoking Gun Bagels will be peddling its wares, too. You'll find the likes of Chick Don't Kale My Vibe, with kale cream cheese, candied walnut and poached chicken, and the Netflix and Dill, with house-cured salmon and pickled zucchini.

In a move that should improve your morning commute (if only ever so slightly) the pop-up is right next door to St Peters train station. So you can grab a bagel and a much-needed coffee — and maybe even watch some dogs frolicking in the park — before you head off to your 9-to-5.

The pop-up is open from 7am–2pm Tuesday to Sunday. 


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