Hot Gin Punch

A gin-fuelled cabaret show popping up for one night at Redfern's Giant Dwarf.
Hudson Brown
Published on August 02, 2018


For one special night, join the boozy ranks of sailors and bootleggers at this chaotic gin-fuelled stage show Hot Gin Punch. Hosted by Maeve Marsden and Libby Wood – the standout leads in the critically acclaimed production, Mother's Ruin: A Cabaret about Gin – Redfern's Giant Dwarf theatre will come to life with a stellar evening of musical theatre, cabaret and comedy, plus a few potent cocktails.

Held Saturday August 11, at the heart of this event is a shared passion for everybody's favourite juniper-based liquor. On arrival to this "vaudevillian wonderland", audience members will be greeted with a complimentary G&T, while throughout the evening the bar will be serving up Four Pillars gin and tonics and barrel-aged negronis.

There'll also be a menu of gin-spiked snacks, designed by Bloodwood chef Claire Van Vurren.

Headlined by celebrated stage performer Queenie van de Zandt, she'll be joined on stage by fellow entertainers Brendan de la Hay, Toby Francis and Sepora. The show kicks off at 7.30pm, but get down early for a winter warmer from 6.30pm in the theatre's courtyard.

Hot Gin Punch takes place at Giant Dwarf, 199 Cleveland St, Redfern, from 7.30–9.30pm.


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