Nick Cave: Until

The largest solo presentation for Carriageworks to date features five tonnes of crystals, beads and found objects suspended in the air.
Hudson Brown
Published on November 20, 2018

In partnership with


Carriageworks will house one of the most vibrant exhibitions you'll see anywhere this summer when Until by American artist Nick Cave opens on Friday, November 23. A play on the phrase 'innocent until proven guilty' — or, rather, 'guilty until proven innocent' — Until addresses topical issues of gun violence, gender politics and race relations in America. It represents the largest solo presentation for both Nick Cave professionally and for Carriageworks to date.

Carriageworks joined creative forces with the Massachusetts Museum of Contemporary Art and the Crystal Bridges Museum of American Art to ensure this exciting — and completely free — exhibition became a reality for Australian audiences after four years in the making.

The unmissable centrepiece is the dazzling suspended installation 'Crystal Cloudscape', a five-tonne feature that combines an eclectic mix of crystals, beads and found objects. For audiences to get a better look at the American culture references peppered throughout this massive work, including black-faced lawn jockeys and vintage whisky decanters, four nearby ladders lead to the gallery's ceiling.

Moving further through the exhibition, there's a diverse array of immersive spaces to explore with all manner of kinetic installations. These include a dreamlike 14-channel video work, a towering wall of iridescent metallic party streamers thrust into life by fan blowers and the 'Beaded Cliff Wall' — a soaring work assembled with millions of plastic hair pony beads.

To demonstrate Nick Cave's renowned support for art that empowers communities, Carriageworks is hosting a three-month program to accompany the exhibition. This lineup of events will respond directly to Until through visual arts, dance and live music alongside panel discussions and community forums.

Nick Cave: Until will run from Friday, November 23, 2018 to Sunday, March 3, 2019.

Image: Zan Wimberley, 2018.


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