Shabbat Dinner - Griffin Theatre Company

Part dinner, part theatre.
Jasmine Crittenden
Published on July 28, 2018


According to Jewish tradition, the day of rest — known as Shabbat — begins at sunset on Friday and continues until Saturday evening. To mark its arrival, families all over the world sit down at their dinner tables to relax, eat and make merry.

It's to one such table that Australian playwright Jessica Bellamy transports audiences to when Shabbat Dinner comes to Griffin Theatre from September 10 to 15. You're invited to join her family (along with their fanciest glassware), watch traditional rituals in action and strap in for the ride, as family stories of all kinds unravel. Along the way, expect poetry, live music and feasting.

Shabbat Dinner first appeared in Sydney in 2015 as part of Bondi Feast, before travelling to Checkpoint Theatre, Singapore. Earlier this year, Bellamy was back in Singapore, producing and performing in Thick Beats for Good Girls, which she co-wrote with Pooja Nansi. In 2011, she took home the 2011 Rodney Seaborn Playwrights Award 2011 for Sprout (Playlab Press).

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