The Changing Standards of Dialogue

Build them castles in the sky, and check out two of Brisbane's finest artists.
Molly Glassey
Published on November 11, 2013


As proved by Twix, socks and Will Smith, things are infinitely better when they come in two – disregard The Shining. That’s why the collaboration of Brisbane artists Marcel Daniels and Daniel Herberg in The Changing Standards of Dialogue is sure to trigger sequential head nods, pondering glazes and a tirade of questions.

The exhibit is one of poignancy – it raises questions regarding the slippages and contradictions between various elements of representation, perception, value systems and identity, all revolving around a central theme of ‘otherness’. Through multi-artistic platforms, such as sculpture, object and image-based works, they’ll be exploring human value and perceptions in a no means standardized manner.

The Changing Standards of Dialogue is a culmination of these two artists, their confusingly similar names, dissimilar styles and experiences as the 2013 Artists in Residence at Metro Arts – if you knew their talent, you’d understand the fortune of this artistic marriage and the creative offspring it's produced.


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