Undressed: 350 Years of Underwear in Fashion

A show for anyone who's ever wanted to see Queen Victoria's undies.
Sarah Ward
Published on March 27, 2015


Undies: everyone wears them. Well, almost everyone. Queen Victoria did, and now you can see proof. An item of the monarch’s underclothing is among the star attractions at Undressed: 350 Years of Underwear in Fashion — a historical celebration of the kind of garments that are usually seen by a much, much smaller audience.

Presented in collaboration with London’s Victoria and Albert Museum, the exhibition spans back to a time of restrictive iron corsets and homemade intimate apparel; it explores the mindset of the modern exhibitionist and touches upon everything in-between. Over 80 pieces from the V&A collection are on display, with many rare items making their public debut.

If looking at old-fashioned bloomers and wondering at the construction of Wonderbras is your thing — and we know it is — then why not combine the experience with a party? MAASive Lates: Undressed ramps up the revelry with live music, cocktails and a live showcase by local lingerie designers Palindrome Studios and Silent Assembly.


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