Damian Griffiths’ New Venture Doughnut Time to Open in Fortitude Valley

Expect all the doughy, iced-and-garnished circular confections of your dreams.

Jessica Surman
Published on October 30, 2014

This just out: Damian Griffiths, local Brisbane go-getter and owner of newfangled eateries Alfredo's Pizzeria and Chester Street Bakery and Bar (among a whole list of others) is opening a new hole-in-the-wall, artisan doughnut bar in the Valley — with the apt name Doughnut Time.

Taking over a sectioned-off corner of Alfredo's on Alfred Street, and with design by Alex Lotersztain (who's provided interiors and accoutrements for most of Griffiths' other joints), Doughnut Time will start serving up its "hand-dipped artisan doughnuts" next month.

If Chester Street's doughnut offerings are anything to go by (think blueberry crumble, key lime, and passionfruit meringue varieties), we're only too excited to see (taste) the sure-to-be-mod delicacies that Griffiths' dedicated doughnut shop will come up with. We're crossing our fingers for more desserts converted into doughy, iced-and-garnished circular confections of your dreams, and perhaps a good old-fashioned jam doughnut, oozing with tongue-burning strawberry conserve straight out of the oven.

The bottom line is: expect to leave sticky-fingered and happily ready to sell your soul to Ned Flanders in a devil's outfit.

Via The Courier Mail.

Published on October 30, 2014 by Jessica Surman
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