You Can Buy the Sydney Monorail, Yes, You

The things you find on Gumtree.
Shannon Connellan
Published on February 03, 2015

You probably took it once. Headed for the Powerhouse Museum on a single rail loop, careening across Pyrmont Bridge and taking in some shitty elevator-style 'Girl From Ipanema'-stylin' on the crackly speakers. I remember my last monorail trip, I really do. I jubilantly boarded a Star Wars-themed monorail toward the 2002 exhibition Star Wars: The Magic of Myth, cranking the 'Imperial March' through Haymarket. The days.

But those transport times are over. The Monorail is long gone from Sydney's mid-skyline, closed in June 2013, now with only abandoned stations to trigger the probably vague and halfhearted nostalgia Sydneysiders have for the thing. But you could drive the Sydney Monorail back into your life, with a few measly G's. According to Junkee, the Sydney monorail is up for sale on Gumtree (of all places). Advertised just a few days ago, the monorail carriages are apparently being sold for an extremely doable fee.


Guessing that means $3000 per carriage. Here's the inventory and they've even created a promo vid:

Whether this is a Real Thing or not remains to be seen, but if you're one of those people throwing $3000 down the pokies every week, why not take a different kind of gamble? The gamble that could pay off in obsolete travel devices and sweet, sweet nostalgia. Here's the description by seller Harry Tsoukalas, which absolutely doesn't look like the kind of copy written by one Mr A. Nonymous, 123 Fake Street, Notting Here.


Via Junkee.

Image: HpeterswaldCC BY-SA 3.0.

Published on February 03, 2015 by Shannon Connellan
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