News Sustainability

Tequila Could Fuel Cars as Well as Parties

Don't drink and drive. Pour it in the tank instead.

Pat Fogarty
July 31, 2011


Instead of shooting tequila and fighting back the tears while biting on a lemon, you might be better off using it as an alternative fuel. Originally seen as a potential saviour, crop-based biofuels are now criticised for competing for arable land, driving up grain prices and being grown in conditions that damage the environment.

Agave, the plant used to make tequila, might just provide a solution. Since it grows in arid conditions, it doesn't compete for arable land and water supplies, and can adapt to future changes in the climate. Research into the energy and greenhouse cost of producing agave-derived bioethanol shows that it would be preferable to current biofuel crops, and one Australian company Ausagave is already giving it a try.

So, the next time someone tries to force a tequila shot on you, you can refuse on the grounds that you'll need it for the drive home. Just don't put the salt or lemon in the tank...

[via PSFK]