News Food & Drink

Ben & Jerry's Are Launching Ice Cream Flavoured Beer

Behold, Salted Caramel Brownie Brown Ale.
Tom Clift
April 16, 2015


Two of life’s greatest pleasures are joining forces, thanks to the ever-publicity stunt savvy crew at Ben & Jerry’s. Not content with their dominion over the world of iced confectionery, the company have just announced a partnership with New Belgium Brewing Company to develop an ice cream flavoured beer.

Continuing the company’s long tradition of absurdly decadent flavours, the name of the brew has been announced as Salted Caramel Brownie Brown Ale. Details are still relatively scarce (and we're still unsure whether this taste sensation will taste of dreams or outright devilry), although we do know that the drink will contain 6.3 percent alcohol and is set to be released in the United States in the latter half of the year. No word yet on whether it’ll make the journey to Australia, although we’re definitely keeping our fingers crossed in weird, weird curiosity.

While it may be a while until we get ice cream flavoured beer, take some comfort in the fact that beer flavoured ice cream is already totally a thing. Molecular ice creamery Nitrogenie released a Pale Ale Caramel flavour in time for last year’s Oktoberfest Brisbane, while Gelato Messina previously produced a VB sorbet for Australia Day. And now Young Henrys are making ANZAC biscuit flavoured beer, we can't really complain.

According to The Huffington Post, the partnership between Ben & Jerry’s and New Belgium will benefit Protect Our Winters, an environmental organisation committed to combating climate change. A spokesperson for New Belgium said that the collaboration will “raise awareness around issues we are passionate about, and that the results will be delicious.”

This isn’t the first time that Ben & Jerry’s have toyed with mind-altering substances, with the company previously floating the idea of a marijuana-infused ice cream flavour in territories where recreational cannabis use is legal.

Via The Huffington Post.