News Film & TV

Studio Ghibli's Hayao Miyazaki Breaks Out of Retirement for One Last Film

And it sounds characteristically adorable.
Libby Curran
November 14, 2016


Despite three years ago announcing his retirement from making feature films, it seems 75-year-old Hayao Miyazaki still has plenty more artistic fuel left in the tank.

Known for his work on iconic films like Spirited Away, My Neighbour Totoro and Ponyo, the legendary anime director revealed on last week's TV special, Owaranai Hito Miyazaki Hayao (The Man Who Is Not Done: Hayao Miyazaki), that he'll be having another crack at the medium. If all goes to plan, he hopes to release his next full-length feature within five years.

Miyazaki's retirement has seen him swap feature films for CG shorts, and the past few years have kept him busy animating for the Studio Ghibli Museum. But it was dissatisfaction with his current project, Kemushi no Boro (Boro the Caterpillar), as a short that prompted him to propose turning the story into a feature.

While this latest passion project hasn't yet been given the official go-ahead, Miyazaki says he's already made a start on the storyboards, suggesting the film would be finished in time for the 2020 Tokyo Olympics.

Via Anime News Network.