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The Trailer for New Eco-Conscious Australian Documentary '2040' Sets Its Sights On a Sustainable Future

After tackling unhealthy diets in 'That Sugar Film', Australian filmmaker Damon Gameau is now exploring the future of the planet.
Sarah Ward
March 16, 2019


With drought blighting the country, Australia just sweltering through its hottest summer on record, and severe storms popping up with frequency in Sydney, Melbourne and Brisbane, there's little doubt that the earth's climate is changing. And while the subject has fuelled many a documentary in recent years, a new Australian film is taking a different approach. Rather than chronicling the bleak status quo, it ponders how we could improve things for the future.

The second film from actor-turned-director Damon Gameau, 2040 sees the Aussie exploring areas such as climate, economics, technology, civil society, agriculture and sustainability — chatting with experts, assessing the best technology currently available and prognosticating on what life might be like if we were to embrace solutions that are being worked on today. Specifically, he muses on the state of the planet in 21 years time, using his young daughter as inspiration, with the doco framed as a letter to the now four-year-old.

In his previous feature back in 2014, Gameau took on unhealthy diets by consuming a whole heap of sugary food — and given That Sugar Film's local success, it's hardly surprising that he's taking a personal approach to an important topic once again. 2040 premiered last month at the Berlin Film Festival, where it struck a chord with audiences, and will have its Aussie debut at the Gold Coast Film Festival in April before releasing around the country in May.

Check out the trailer below:

2040 opens in Australian cinemas on May 23.