Arts & Entertainment

5 DIY Ways to Transform Your Walls

Easy enough for the craft beginner, these wall art DIY projects could fool anyone into thinking you're an interior designer.

By Anya Krenicki
April 02, 2012

White apartment walls are so blah. Make them so yesterday with one (or all five) of these simple do-it-yourself art projects.

Relatively easy, cheap, and removable, these projects are ideal for the broke, rent-paying tenants out there, and could fool anyone into thinking you're an interior designer.

1. Paint Sample Wall Designs

Ever left the hardware store with a stash of these in your pockets? The paint sample wall is hard to resist, with its enticing, color-organized array of shades. If you don't want to commit to four whole walls of 'Pacific Pine' or 'Blackberry Harvest', simply trim each sample to a desired size and arrange in a design of your choice.

2. Wallpaper Transfer

Bust out the old trusty Sharpie and mimic the artistically sketched wallpaper designs by the likes of Marimekko. Craft blog Curbly shows you how.

3. Coffee Stirrer Wall Art

Surely Starbucks won't mind if you 'borrow' a few extra coffee stirrers. Follow Make & Do Girl's tutorial to create these fabulously tactile, wooden pieces of art. Simply paint, arrange, and glue. What could be easier (or cheaper)?

4. CD-Case Frames

The advent of the iPod certainly rendered CDs obsolete. But before you designate all of those clear jewel cases to the rubbish, reconsider. With just a little effort from you, they may be transformed into the perfect picture frames for that poster you've been meaning to hang.

5. Custom Colour Wall Calendar

Inject a little fun into your daily scheduling by creating your own custom colour wall calendar. Chalkboard-finish paints are available in traditional shades in stores, but if you use this Martha Stewart formula, you can concoct your own hue.

[via GOOD]