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Artist Toon-Bombs Toronto with Googly Eyes

Liberty Village's local monsters revealed.

Shirin Borthwick
January 09, 2014


Ah, googly eyes. Such an expressive medium for the Millennial epoch, almost on par with the emoticon. There's something about the vacant, perpetually stunned and/or confused gaze that really captures our time.

As you would know from this handy video, Christopher Walken uses googly eyes for protection. This is a helpful master text for us because as Walken explains, googly eyes help you to know where you stand with someone (or, in the case of his plants, something). Now artist Aiden Glynn has taken the guesswork out of relating to inanimate objects with the addition of a few well-placed teeth, tongues and eyes to the local urban terrain of Liberty Village, Toronto.

As we all know, the world is full of anthropomorphic beings like this drunk octopus who wants to fight. Of a sunny afternoon Glynn likes to unveil monsters with queasy smiles and stunned expressions all over town, as a kind of public service. His adorable googly-eyed creatures include mustachioed intercoms and cigarette disposal chutes waiting to chomp your hand off. And who's that on the median strip? Why, it's Big Bird with a disproportionately large beak.

Glynn's inventions don't come from nowhere: he's an animator by trade. Much like Michelangelo, who could look upon a block of marble and see the exquisite sculpture inside waiting to be revealed, Glynn can see the sensitive, drooling monster inside a garbage can. His blog Pizza and Pixels has many more cute and whacky characters for you to enjoy.

Via Colossal.