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The Ultimate Book of Book Art

A picture repaints a thousand words anew.

Matthew Watson
August 09, 2013


"It is with the reading of books the same as with looking at pictures; one must, without doubt, without hesitations, with assurance, admire what is beautiful." These are the words of one Vincent van Gogh, part-time ear surgeon, all-time famous artist, declaring the artistic beauty inherent within books.

Some artists have elected to take his words literally, adopting literary works as their medium and through careful artistic surgery have constructed intricate and engrossing works that put even the greatest of pop-up books to shame. The best of these have now been collated together by Laura Heyenga in the new book Art Made From Books: Altered, Sculptured, Carved, Transformed.

The volume features the varied book-based work of 27 different artists, each with their own technique of sculpting. Whether it is transforming a hardback book into a miniaturist tableaux of surgical precision or carefully operating with scalpel and tweezer to encapsulate a new literary work like the one below, each artist has their own means of message-construction.

"Some of these artists are making comments about the role of reading in contemporary culture, others find that books are a handy art form," says Alison Kuhn, author of the introduction to Art Made From Books: Altered, Sculptured, Carved, Transformed, in an interview with Fast Co.Create. "They see books as a backdrop for their creativity."

Whilst some may think of these works as vandalism, many are merely breathing new life into tired books or outdated telephone directories. "The information is outdated, the paper is probably yellowed or worse, so the fact that a book can become something charming and creative and valuable in a new light is kind of great." Amidst the depths of the digital age and the advent of the Kindle, these works just go to show that van Gogh was right; there is no replacing the enchanting aura of a book.


Via Fast Co.Create