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Uncarriable Carrier Bags Shaming Us Into Environment Protection

The plastic bag fashion statement that may just save the environment.

Matthew Watson
August 09, 2013


Mother nature wants us to stop using plastic bags. They aren't good for the environment, particularly when disposed of incorrectly and become fatal turtle food due to their uncanny jellyfish-like appearance in the ocean. Consequently, she has teamed up with Mother Nature, a fellow attendee of her weekly mother's club, to create a brand-new range of uncarriable carrier bags that will tempt us into changing our plastic bag usage and recycling habits.

Building on their first series of uncarriable carrier bags in 2005 that featured bags emblazoned with 'sperm clinic drop in centre' and 'Phil Collins unofficial fan club', the creative company has released four new yellow bags with overlaid x-ray machine like designs that suggest you are carrying items that you would not want your closest friends to uncover, let alone the wider general public. The designs include drug paraphernalia, sex toys and weapons and beg the question of how desperate your plastic bag need is if you are willing to be seen carrying these items.

Showing that reverse psychology works a treat though, they may prove to be on everyone's want list as they are so covetable and novelty. But even then, that should slow plastic bag consumption, as these can carry all of your shopping and other plastic bag needs.

Just don't take them on a plane, except maybe the sex toys one; that one probably won't get you stopped, just stared at a lot.

Via It's Nice That