Cards Against Humanity Need Your Help to Launch an Australian Edition

'In M. Night Shymalan's new movie, Bruce Willis discovers that Sarah Palin had really been a passable transvestite after all'

Meg Watson
Published on May 29, 2014

The simple game of filth, sex and bad taste has been a worldwide hit in the past few years. Best played while drinking with friends (don't even try it with family members), Cards Against Humanity is the go-to game for anyone who embraces the ugly, the wrong and the politically incorrect. Now, after success abroad, it's being brought to the masters. Get ready for the filth to step into overdrive and the Tony Abbott references to increase five-fold. Cards Against Humanity is getting an Australian edition.

If you haven't played before, the rules are pretty simple. All players are dealt a collection of white cards with nasty and nonsensical statements. 'Vigorous jazz hands', 'Stephen Hawking talking dirty', or 'strangling a dog to make a point to the audience' for example. One player then draws a black sentence card and everyone puts forward their funniest white filler. It's basically an R-rated version of mad libs.

As such, you then end up with statements like 'In M. Night Shymalan's new movie, Bruce Willis discovers that Sarah Palin had really been a passable transvestite after all' or 'And the Academy Award for genital piercings goes to Grandma'. Then everyone drinks to absolve their guilt.

The announcement came yesterday via Melbourne games store Critical Hit. The creators are developing an Australian edition, and they need our help to do it. Abolishing all American references, the Australian edition will presumably be rife with talk of all our nation's leaders past and present, goon bags, wristies and Rolf Harris (we know it's too soon, but nothing is out of bounds with this game).

Fans can submit their suggestions here and go in the draw to win play tests or full sets of the new edition. Though they ask for an email address to contact you on, the process is largely anonymous so you can really have at it. None of your loved ones need to know about that nasty thing you submitted about Pauline Hanson, but the rest of Australia will thank you for it.

Published on May 29, 2014 by Meg Watson
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